Author Archives: Kerry Pennington

New MHC Entrance

Our renovations are progressing, and the front entrance will be closed off for the rest of the year.

The main entrance will be down the alley around the side of the building in the meantime.

It is accessible from the Glenpark Ave alleyway by the pedestrian crossing on Eglinton Road.


The waiting room is smaller so you may be offered a phone consultation instead.

We would appreciate it if you please minimise how many people you bring to appointments.

We value your understanding of this disruption.

The MHC Team


Influenza, “the flu”, can be anywhere and is easily spread through talking, coughing and sneezing.  Up to one in five people get influenza every year. Some people can get very sick with the flu while others may not know they have it as they do not feel unwell.  But they can still pass it on to other people and make them very sick.

Getting your flu vaccine is one of the best things you can do to stay well and protect yourself, your family and friends during this flu season.

The flu vaccine is now available, to book a vaccine with one of our friendly nursing team, please phone reception on 466 5011.

The cost of the Flu vaccine is $40 OR you may be eligible for a FREE flu vaccine if you fall under any of the following criteria:

  • All people aged 65 years and over (Māori and Pasifika from 55 years)
  • Pregnant people
  • Some people with long-term medical conditions (includes diabetes, asthma, chronic respiratory disease, kidney disease, heart and autoimmune conditions).
  • Children 4 and under who have been hospitalised for respiratory illness or with a history of significant respiratory illness.
  • People with mental health and addiction issue

Patient Experience Survey

Our practice is taking part in a national survey.

Over the next few weeks, you may receive an email or text message inviting you to take part in a patient experience survey about your recent experience at Mornington Health Centre.

The survey is voluntary and anonymous.

If you are contacted, please help us improve the quality of our service by completing the survey.

Ngā mihi nui, thank you!


Did you know GP appointments are 15 minutes!

Did you know a GP appointment is for 15 minutes only and this includes time for the GP to write notes, send prescriptions/referrals or complete required paperwork.

Doctors are only able to thoroughly manage 1-2 issues per consultation.

If you think that you will need longer than 15 minutes with your doctor you may wish to consider booking a double appointment or making a second booking on a different day.

* Additional charges will apply to double appointments.


Changes are coming at MHC

At your next visit to the practice, you may notice things looking a little different.

Exciting new renovations have started, and you may hear some noise whilst they take place.

Keep an eye out at your next visit for pictures of what the practice will look like when the renovations are complete.

The MHC team are grateful for your understanding. We are committed to helping the community, committed to caring for you.

Measles may be in Otago and Southland!

Measles may be in Otago and Southland! Are you and your whānau immunised?

Measles is highly contagious and can make you very sick. If you have not had 2 vaccination shots against measles, contact your local GP to book an appt, check if there is a vaccination clinic at your community provider or visit your local pharmacy.

If you are not sure if you are covered, its best to get immunised. Check the factsheet for more information, or call Healthline for free on 0800 611 116 to check symptoms.


Time to SCREEN – National Cervical Screening Programme

Cervical screening has changed. The new cervical screening test is here and it’s a game changer!

Cervical cancer is preventable. Regular cervical screening is one of the best ways to protect yourself.

There are now two options for having your cervical screening test: a vaginal swab where you can self-test or a trained professional can assist you or, you can choose to have a cervical sample (what used to be called a smear test) taken by a healthcare provider.

Most people can choose to self-test.

The new HPV test is safe and accurate.

Cervical screening is for eligible wāhine, and people with a cervix aged 25 to 69.

Find out more at, call 0800 729 729 or kōrero to your nurse, doctor or hauora clinic.